Dibya Prokash Sarkar (dibyaprokash)

Last solved
4 years, 10 months
Member for
4 years, 10 months
Time zone
Asia: Dhaka

Hi, I am Dibya Prokash Sarkar!

I have recently completed my undergrad from North South University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I'm passionate about robotics, Internet of Things, web development, and hardware implementations. I've worked on many projects that focus on solving real-life issues with the combinations of hardware and software.

In my senior year, I was introduced with research world for the first time through Junior Designing Project. Later, I was affiliated with the HCI Research Group under supervision of Dr. Nova Ahmed and Ms. Tamanna Motahar.

My multidisciplinary research interests are on Ubiquitous Computing, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Internet of Things (IoT), Bioinformatics and Computer Vision.

Apart from my academic career, I love traveling in my leisure time. Curiosity to know about new things led me to explore different parts of my beautiful country Bangladesh. Also, I am a nature and travel photographer.