
Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving. Take a tour to get the hang of how Rosalind works.

Last win: Suhee vs. “Overlap Graphs”, 9 minutes ago
Problems: 284 (total), users: 112933
ID Title Solved By Correct Ratio
INI Introduction to the Bioinformatics Armory 7373
GBK GenBank Introduction 2997
FRMT Data Formats 2705
MEME New Motif Discovery 974
NEED Pairwise Global Alignment 1322
TFSQ FASTQ format introduction 1786
PHRE Read Quality Distribution 1237
PTRA Protein Translation 1236
FILT Read Filtration by Quality 963
RVCO Complementing a Strand of DNA 1059
SUBO Suboptimal Local Alignment 538
BPHR Base Quality Distribution 705
CLUS Global Multiple Alignment 495
ORFR Finding Genes with ORFs 727
BFIL Base Filtration by Quality 623