We already know that the genome is not just a random strand of nucleotides; recall from “Finding a Motif in DNA”
that motifs recur commonly across individuals and species. If a DNA motif occurs
in many different organisms, then chances are good that it serves an important function.
At the same time, if you form a long enough DNA string, then you should theoretically be able to locate
every possible short substring in the string.
And genomes are very long; the human genome contains about 3.2 billion base pairs.
As a result, when analyzing an unknown piece of DNA, we should try to ensure that
a motif does not occur out of random chance.
To conclude whether motifs are random or not, we need to quantify the
likelihood of finding a given motif randomly.
If a motif occurs randomly with high probability,
then how can we really compare two organisms to begin with?
In other words, all very short DNA strings will appear randomly in a genome, and very few long
strings will appear; what is the critical motif length at which we can throw out random chance
and conclude that a motif appears in a genome for a reason?
In this problem, our first step toward understanding random occurrences of strings
is to form a simple model for constructing genomes randomly. We will then
apply this model to a somewhat simplified exercise:
calculating the probability of a given motif occurring randomly at
a fixed location in the genome.
Figure 1. The graph of the common logarithm function of x. For a given x-value, the corresponding y-value is the exponent to which we must raise 10 to obtain x. Note that x-values between 0 and 1 get mapped to y-values between -infinity and 0.
An array is a structure containing an ordered collection of objects
(numbers, strings, other arrays, etc.).
We let A[k] denote the k-th value in array A. You may like to think of an
array as simply a matrix having only one row.
A random string is constructed so that the probability of choosing each subsequent symbol
is based on a fixed underlying symbol frequency.
GC-content offers us natural symbol frequencies for constructing random DNA strings.
If the GC-content is x, then we set the symbol frequencies of C and G equal to x2
and the symbol frequencies of A and T equal to 1−x2. For example,
if the GC-content is 40%, then as we construct the string, the next symbol is 'G'/'C'
with probability 0.2, and the next symbol is 'A'/'T' with probability 0.3.
In practice, many probabilities wind up being very small.
In order to work with small probabilities, we may
plug them into a function that "blows them up" for the sake of comparison.
Specifically, the common logarithm of x (defined for x>0 and denoted log10(x))
is the exponent to which we must raise 10 to obtain x.
See Figure 1
for a graph of the common logarithm function y=log10(x).
In this graph, we can see that the logarithm of x-values between
0 and 1 always winds up mapping to y-values between −∞ and 0:
x-values near 0 have logarithms close to −∞, and x-values close to 1 have logarithms
close to 0. Thus, we will select the common logarithm as our function to "blow up" small probability values for comparison.
Given: A DNA strings of length at most 100 bp and an array A containing at most 20 numbers between 0 and 1.
Return: An array B having the same length as A in which B[k]
represents the common logarithm of the probability
that a random string constructed with the GC-content found in A[k] will match s exactly.