Introduction to Distance-Based Phylogenyclick to expand
A number of different approaches are used to build phylogenies, each one featuring its own computational
strengths and weaknesses. One of these measures is distance-based phylogeny,
which constructs a tree from evolutionary distances calculated between pairs of taxa.
A wide assortment of different measures exist for quantifying this evolutionary distance.
Once we have selected a distance function and used it to calculate the distance
between every pair of taxa, we place these pairwise distance functions into a table.
In this problem, we will consider an evolutionary function based on Hamming distance. Recall from
“Counting Point Mutations” that this function compares two homologous strands of DNA by counting
the minimum possible number of point mutations that could have occurred on the
evolutionary path between the two strands.
For two stringss1 and s2 of equal length, the p-distance between them,
denoted dp(s1,s2), is the proportion of corresponding symbols that differ between s1 and s2.
For a general distance function d on n taxa s1,s2,…,sn (taxa are often represented by genetic strings),
we may encode the distances between pairs of taxa via a distance matrixD in which Di,j=d(si,sj).
Given: A collection of n (n≤10) DNA stringss1,…,sn of equal length (at most 1 kbp).
Strings are given in FASTA format.
Return: The matrix D corresponding to the p-distance dp on the given strings. As always,
note that your answer is allowed an absolute error of 0.001.