A vital goal of creating phylogenies is to quantify a molecular clock that indicates
the amount of evolutionary time separating two members of the phylogeny. To this end, we will
assign numbers to the edges of a tree so that the number assigned to an edge represents
the amount of time separating the two species at each end of the edge. More generally,
the evolutionary time between any two species will be given by simply adding the individual
times connecting the nodes.
In a weighted tree, each edge is assigned a (usually positive) number,
called its weight. The distance between two nodes in a weighted tree becomes
the sum of the weights along the unique path connecting the nodes.
To generalize Newick format to the case of a weighted tree T, during our repeated "key step,"
if leavesv1,v2,…,vn are neighbors in T,
and all these leaves are incident to u, then we replace u with (v1:d1,v2:d2,…,vn:dn)u,
where di is now the weight on the edge {vi,u}.
Given: A collection of n weighted trees (n≤40) in Newick format, with each tree containing at most 200 nodes;
each tree Tk is followed by a pair of nodes xk and yk in Tk.
Return: A collection of n numbers, for which the kth number represents the distance
between xk and yk in Tk.
Sample Dataset
cat dog
dog elephant