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Last win: vartika vs. “RNA Splicing”, 4 minutes ago
Problems: 284 (total), users: 117957
ID Title Solved By Correct Ratio
BA10A Compute the Probability of a Hidden Path 906
BA10B Compute the Probability of an Outcome Given a Hidden Path 749
BA10C Implement the Viterbi Algorithm 597
BA10D Compute the Probability of a String Emitted by an HMM 388
BA10E Construct a Profile HMM 213
BA10F Construct a Profile HMM with Pseudocounts 204
BA10G Perform a Multiple Sequence Alignment with a Profile HMM 118
BA10H Estimate the Parameters of an HMM 183
BA10I Implement Viterbi Learning 145
BA10J Solve the Soft Decoding Problem 171
BA10K Implement Baum-Welch Learning 157
BA11A Construct the Graph of a Spectrum 194
BA11B Implement DecodingIdealSpectrum 141
BA11C Convert a Peptide into a Peptide Vector 201
BA11D Convert a Peptide Vector into a Peptide 191
BA11E Sequence a Peptide 117
BA11F Find a Highest-Scoring Peptide in a Proteome against a Spectrum 113
BA11G Implement PSMSearch 106
BA11H Compute the Size of a Spectral Dictionary 98
BA11I Compute the Probability of a Spectral Dictionary 98
BA11J Find a Highest-Scoring Modified Peptide against a Spectrum 71
BA1A Compute the Number of Times a Pattern Appears in a Text 3189
BA1B Find the Most Frequent Words in a String 3263
BA1C Find the Reverse Complement of a String 3099
BA1D Find All Occurrences of a Pattern in a String 2962
BA1E Find Patterns Forming Clumps in a String 2585
BA1F Find a Position in a Genome Minimizing the Skew 2564
BA1G Compute the Hamming Distance Between Two Strings 2670
BA1H Find All Approximate Occurrences of a Pattern in a String 2056
BA1I Find the Most Frequent Words with Mismatches in a String 1629
BA1J Find Frequent Words with Mismatches and Reverse Complements 1483
BA1K Generate the Frequency Array of a String 1316
BA1L Implement PatternToNumber 1554
BA1M Implement NumberToPattern 1495
BA1N Generate the d-Neighborhood of a String 1353
BA2A Implement MotifEnumeration 1357
BA2B Find a Median String 1430
BA2C Find a Profile-most Probable k-mer in a String 1275
BA2D Implement GreedyMotifSearch 1149
BA2E Implement GreedyMotifSearch with Pseudocounts 1033
BA2F Implement RandomizedMotifSearch 1012
BA2G Implement GibbsSampler 789
BA2H Implement DistanceBetweenPatternAndStrings 1097
BA3A Generate the k-mer Composition of a String 1531
BA3B Reconstruct a String from its Genome Path 1412
BA3C Construct the Overlap Graph of a Collection of k-mers 1311
BA3D Construct the De Bruijn Graph of a String 1275
BA3E Construct the De Bruijn Graph of a Collection of k-mers 1179
BA3F Find an Eulerian Cycle in a Graph 939
BA3G Find an Eulerian Path in a Graph 863
BA3H Reconstruct a String from its k-mer Composition 960
BA3I Find a k-Universal Circular String 690
BA3J Reconstruct a String from its Paired Composition 696
BA3K Generate Contigs from a Collection of Reads 538
BA3L Construct a String Spelled by a Gapped Genome Path 534
BA3M Generate All Maximal Non-Branching Paths in a Graph 405
BA4A Translate an RNA String into an Amino Acid String 973
BA4B Find Substrings of a Genome Encoding a Given Amino Acid String 889
BA4C Generate the Theoretical Spectrum of a Cyclic Peptide 797
BA4D Compute the Number of Peptides of Given Total Mass 661
BA4E Find a Cyclic Peptide with Theoretical Spectrum Matching an Ideal Spectrum 653
BA4F Compute the Score of a Cyclic Peptide Against a Spectrum 521
BA4G Implement LeaderboardCyclopeptideSequencing 501
BA4H Generate the Convolution of a Spectrum 495
BA4I Implement ConvolutionCyclopeptideSequencing 332
BA4J Generate the Theoretical Spectrum of a Linear Peptide 472
BA4K Compute the Score of a Linear Peptide 415
BA4L Trim a Peptide Leaderboard 375
BA4M Solve the Turnpike Problem 210
BA5A Find the Minimum Number of Coins Needed to Make Change 1077
BA5B Find the Length of a Longest Path in a Manhattan-like Grid 913
BA5C Find a Longest Common Subsequence of Two Strings 997
BA5D Find the Longest Path in a DAG 662
BA5E Find a Highest-Scoring Alignment of Two Strings 927
BA5F Find a Highest-Scoring Local Alignment of Two Strings 779
BA5G Compute the Edit Distance Between Two Strings 809
BA5H Find a Highest-Scoring Fitting Alignment of Two Strings 550
BA5I Find a Highest-Scoring Overlap Alignment of Two Strings 479
BA5J Align Two Strings Using Affine Gap Penalties 639
BA5K Find a Middle Edge in an Alignment Graph in Linear Space 371
BA5L Align Two Strings Using Linear Space 325
BA5M Find a Highest-Scoring Multiple Sequence Alignment 374
BA5N Find a Topological Ordering of a DAG 356
BA6A Implement GreedySorting to Sort a Permutation by Reversals 553
BA6B Compute the Number of Breakpoints in a Permutation 591
BA6C Compute the 2-Break Distance Between a Pair of Genomes 397
BA6D Find a Shortest Transformation of One Genome into Another by 2-Breaks 250
BA6E Find All Shared k-mers of a Pair of Strings 317
BA6F Implement ChromosomeToCycle 291
BA6G Implement CycleToChromosome 285
BA6H Implement ColoredEdges 257
BA6I Implement GraphToGenome 221
BA6J Implement 2-BreakOnGenomeGraph 218
BA6K Implement 2-BreakOnGenome 186
BA7A Compute Distances Between Leaves 325
BA7B Compute Limb Lengths in a Tree 358
BA7C Implement AdditivePhylogeny 348
BA7D Implement UPGMA 230
BA7E Implement the Neighbor Joining Algorithm 216
BA7F Implement SmallParsimony 155
BA7G Adapt SmallParsimony to Unrooted Trees 113
BA8A Implement FarthestFirstTraversal 228
BA8B Compute the Squared Error Distortion 230
BA8C Implement the Lloyd Algorithm for k-Means Clustering 267
BA8D Implement the Soft k-Means Clustering Algorithm 191
BA8E Implement Hierarchical Clustering 196
BA9A Construct a Trie from a Collection of Patterns 416
BA9B Implement TrieMatching 416
BA9C Construct the Suffix Tree of a String 326
BA9D Find the Longest Repeat in a String 420
BA9E Find the Longest Substring Shared by Two Strings 306
BA9F Find the Shortest Non-Shared Substring of Two Strings 256
BA9G Construct the Suffix Array of a String 366
BA9H Pattern Matching with the Suffix Array 314
BA9I Construct the Burrows-Wheeler Transform of a String 441
BA9J Reconstruct a String from its Burrows-Wheeler Transform 373
BA9K Generate the Last-to-First Mapping of a String 308
BA9L Implement BWMatching 275
BA9M Implement BetterBWMatching 245
BA9N Find All Occurrences of a Collection of Patterns in a String 255
BA9O Find All Approximate Occurrences of a Collection of Patterns in a String 235
BA9P Implement TreeColoring 122
BA9Q Construct the Partial Suffix Array of a String 194
BA9R Construct a Suffix Tree from a Suffix Array 140