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Isolating Symbols in Alignments solved by 178

Feb. 15, 2013, 10:37 p.m. by Rosalind Team

Topics: Alignment, Dynamic Programming

How Much Does it Cost to Align Two Symbols?click to expand

As we saw in “Counting Optimal Alignments”, there will usually be a huge number of different optimal alignments of two given strings. In this problem, which represents a first attempt to understand how much optimal alignments can differ, we will select two symbols at a time from the two strings and ask how much the maximum alignment score can differ from the optimal score if we demand that these two symbols must be aligned (i.e., implying that one symbol must be substituted for the other).


Say that we have two strings s and t of respective lengths m and n and an alignment score. Let's define a matrix M corresponding to s and t by setting Mj,k equal to the maximum score of any alignment that aligns s[j] with t[k]. So each entry in M can be equal to at most the maximum score of any alignment of s and t.

Given: Two DNA strings s and t in FASTA format, each having length at most 1000 bp.

Return: The maximum alignment score of a global alignment of s and t, followed by the sum of all elements of the matrix M corresponding to s and t that was defined above. Apply the mismatch score introduced in “Finding a Motif with Modifications”.

Sample Dataset


Sample Output


Citationclick to expand

This problem follows Jones & Pevzner, An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, Problem 6.21

Hintclick to expand

For the sample dataset M=[3014510110301471010321674103036743230310563032111056123]

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