In “Finding a Motif with Modifications”, we considered a problem in which we were given a motif and a long string
(perhaps representing a genome), and we aimed to find the "closest" substring
of the long string to the motif. In that problem, "closest" was defined as a minimum with respect
to edit distance.
Yet there may be multiple substring candidates from the genome
that achieve the minimum distance to the motif; this situation might
occur in practice when the motif forms a repeat that occurs multiple times
with variations deriving from mutations.
In this problem, we would like to find all substrings of a genome that are within a
certain fixed distance of the desired motif.
Given: A positive integer k (k≤50), a DNA strings of length at most 5 kbp
representing a motif, and a DNA string t of length at most 50 kbp representing a genome.
Return: All substrings t′ of t such that the edit distance dE(s,t′) is
less than or equal to k. Each substring should be encoded by a pair containing its location
in t followed by its length.