The issues at hand are that we want to ensure that we have enough characters to
actually construct a phylogeny, and that our characters do not conflict with
each other.
A consistent character table is one whose characters' splits do not conflict with the edge splits of some unrooted binary tree T on the n taxa.
More precisely, S1∣Sc1 conflicts with S2∣Sc2 if
all four intersectionsS1∩S2, S1∩Sc2, Sc1∩S2, and
Sc1∩Sc2 are nonempty.
As a simple example, consider the conflicting splits {a,b}∣{c,d} and {a,c}∣{b,d}.
More generally, given a consistent character tableC, an unrooted binary tree T
"models" C if the edge splits of T agree with the splits induced from the characters of C.
Given: A list of n species (n≤80) and an n-column character table C in which
the jth column denotes the jth species.
Return: An unrooted binary tree in Newick format that models C.
Sample Dataset
cat dog elephant mouse rabbit rat