A network containing a collection of nodes, pairs of which are joined by edges.
ID | Title | Solved By | Correct Ratio |
DEG | Degree Array | 2593 |
DDEG | Double-Degree Array | 2046 |
BFS | Breadth-First Search | 1226 |
CC | Connected Components | 1187 |
BIP | Testing Bipartiteness | 646 |
DAG | Testing Acyclicity | 708 |
DIJ | Dijkstra's Algorithm | 708 |
SQ | Square in a Graph | 465 |
BF | Bellman-Ford Algorithm | 509 |
CTE | Shortest Cycle Through a Given Edge | 424 |
TS | Topological Sorting | 558 |
HDAG | Hamiltonian Path in DAG | 408 |
NWC | Negative Weight Cycle | 407 |
SCC | Strongly Connected Components | 411 |
2SAT | 2-Satisfiability | 252 |
GS | General Sink | 299 |
SC | Semi-Connected Graph | 292 |
SDAG | Shortest Paths in DAG | 345 |