An algorithm requiring the interpretation and manipulation of networks, or graphs.
ID | Title | Solved By | Correct Ratio |
GRPH | Overlap Graphs | 12573 |
TREE | Completing a Tree | 4407 |
TRIE | Introduction to Pattern Matching | 1399 |
LREP | Finding the Longest Multiple Repeat | 623 |
RNAS | Wobble Bonding and RNA Secondary Structures | 666 |
PCOV | Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage | 835 |
SGRA | Using the Spectrum Graph to Infer Peptides | 542 |
SUFF | Encoding Suffix Trees | 428 |
GASM | Genome Assembly Using Reads | 467 |
MREP | Identifying Maximal Repeats | 236 |
GREP | Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage and Repeats | 285 |