

Superimposing the symbols of one string over those of another (with gap symbols inserted into the strings) to represent insertions, deletions, and substitutions between the strings.

ID Title Solved By Correct Ratio
HAMM Counting Point Mutations 36580
TRAN Transitions and Transversions 5509
PDST Creating a Distance Matrix 2602
EDIT Edit Distance 1870
EDTA Edit Distance Alignment 1281
CTEA Counting Optimal Alignments 500
GLOB Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix 910
GCON Global Alignment with Constant Gap Penalty 504
LOCA Local Alignment with Scoring Matrix 562
MGAP Maximizing the Gap Symbols of an Optimal Alignment 278
MULT Multiple Alignment 293
GAFF Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix and Affine Gap Penalty 412
OAP Overlap Alignment 248
SMGB Semiglobal Alignment 271
LAFF Local Alignment with Affine Gap Penalty 244
OSYM Isolating Symbols in Alignments 179
NEED Pairwise Global Alignment 1408
SUBO Suboptimal Local Alignment 568
CLUS Global Multiple Alignment 521