Superimposing the symbols of one string over those of another (with gap symbols inserted into the strings) to represent insertions, deletions, and substitutions between the strings.
ID | Title | Solved By | Correct Ratio |
HAMM | Counting Point Mutations | 35927 |
TRAN | Transitions and Transversions | 5420 |
PDST | Creating a Distance Matrix | 2564 |
EDIT | Edit Distance | 1837 |
EDTA | Edit Distance Alignment | 1260 |
CTEA | Counting Optimal Alignments | 487 |
GLOB | Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix | 894 |
GCON | Global Alignment with Constant Gap Penalty | 497 |
LOCA | Local Alignment with Scoring Matrix | 556 |
MGAP | Maximizing the Gap Symbols of an Optimal Alignment | 275 |
MULT | Multiple Alignment | 291 |
GAFF | Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix and Affine Gap Penalty | 406 |
OAP | Overlap Alignment | 245 |
SMGB | Semiglobal Alignment | 269 |
LAFF | Local Alignment with Affine Gap Penalty | 243 |
OSYM | Isolating Symbols in Alignments | 178 |
NEED | Pairwise Global Alignment | 1392 |
SUBO | Suboptimal Local Alignment | 562 |
CLUS | Global Multiple Alignment | 515 |