In practical genome sequencing, even if we assume that reads have been sequenced
without errors, we have no idea of knowing immediately the particular strand of DNA
a read has come from.
Also, our reads may not have the same length. In 1995, Idury and Waterman proposed a way
to boost read coverage and achieve uniform read length by
breaking long reads into overlapping k-mers for some fixed value of k.
For example, a 100 bp read could be split into 51 overlapping 50-mers.
A directed cycle is simply a cycle in a directed graph in which the head of one edge
is equal to the tail of the next (so that every edge in the cycle is traversed in the same direction).
For a set of DNA stringsS and a positive integer k, let Sk denote the collection
of all possible k-mers of the strings in S.
Given: A collection S of (error-free) reads of equal length (not exceeding 50 bp).
In this dataset, for some positive integer k, the de Bruijn graphBk on Sk+1∪Srck+1 consists of exactly two directed cycles.
Return: A cyclic superstring of minimal length containing every read or its reverse complement.
Sample Dataset
Sample Output
Noteclick to expand
The reads "AATCT" and "TGTAA" are not present in the answer, but their reverse
complements "AGATT" and "TTACA" are present in the circular string (GATTACA).