

Superimposing the symbols of one string over those of another (with gap symbols inserted into the strings) to represent insertions, deletions, and substitutions between the strings.

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The mathematics of counting objects.

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Computational Mass Spectrometry

A technique used to identify molecules by splitting them into pieces and analyzing chemical properties of these small pieces.

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Dynamic Programming

The algorithmic notion of building up a solution to a problem by solving it on progressively larger cases.

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Genome Assembly

The algorithmic reconstruction of contiguous chromosomes from short fragments of DNA.

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Genome Rearrangements

A large-scale mutation that affects the makeup of entire intervals of nucleic acid.

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Graph Algorithms

An algorithm requiring the interpretation and manipulation of networks, or graphs.

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A network containing a collection of nodes, pairs of which are joined by edges.

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The scientific study of the inheritance of traits.

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A tree modeling the evolutionary scenario deriving a collection of taxa from their proposed ancestors.

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The mathematical study of the chance of occurrence of random events, or the chance with which a specific event will occur.

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Set Theory

The mathematical study of sets and their properties.

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The problem of finding a smallest collection of operations that changes a structure into a nicely ordered one.

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String Algorithms

An algorithm involving the manipulation and properties of chains of symbols.

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