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Quartet Distance solved by 113

Dec. 21, 2012, 5:35 p.m. by Rosalind Team

Topics: Phylogeny

Another Tree Distanceclick to expand

In “Phylogeny Comparison with Split Distance”, we examined the split distance for comparison of different phylogenies on the same collection of taxa.

Yet quartet-based phylogeny offers another way in which two phylogenies can be compared (see “Quartets” and “Counting Quartets”). Specifically, we wonder how many quartets can be inferred from one tree but not inferred from the other.


In “Counting Quartets”, we found an expression for q(T), the number of quartets that can be inferred from an unrooted binary tree containing n taxa.

If T1 and T2 are both unrooted binary trees on the same n taxa, then we now let q(T1,T2) denote the number of inferred quartets that are common to both trees. The quartet distance between T1 and T2, dq(T1,T2) is the number of quartets that are only inferred from one of the trees. More precisely, dq(T1,T2)=q(T1)+q(T2)2q(T1,T2).

Given: A list containing n taxa (n2000) and two unrooted binary trees T1 and T2 on the given taxa. Both T1 and T2 are given in Newick format.

Return: The quartet distance dq(T1,T2).

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