In “Finding a Motif in DNA”, we discussed the problem of searching a genome for a known motif.
Because of the large scale of eukaryotic genomes, we need to accomplish this computational task as
efficiently as possible.
The standard method for locating one stringt as a substring of another string s (and perhaps one you
implemented in “Finding a Motif in DNA”) is to move a sliding window across the larger string, at each step
starting at s[k] and matching subsequent symbols of t to symbols of s.
After we have located a match or mismatch,
we then shift the window backwards to begin searching at s[k+1].
The potential weakness of this method is as follows: say we have matched 100 symbols of t to s
before reaching a mismatch. The window-sliding method would then move back 99 symbols of s and start
comparing t to s; can we avoid some of this sliding?
For example, say that we are looking for t=ACGTACGT in s=TAGGTACGTACGGCATCACG.
From s[6] to s[12], we have matched seven symbols of t, and yet s[13] = G produces a mismatch with t[8] = T.
We don't need to go all the way back to s[7] and start matching with t because s[7]=C, s[8]=G,
and s[9]=T are all different from t[1]=A. What about s[10]? Because t[1:4]=t[5:8]=ACGT,
the previous mismatch of s[13]=G and t[8]=T guarantees the same mismatch with s[13] and t[4].
Following this analysis, we may advance directly to s[14] and continue sliding our window, without ever having
to move it backward.
This method can be generalized to form the framework behind the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm (KMP),
which was published in 1977 and offers an efficiency boost for determining whether a given motif
can be located within a larger string.
A prefix of a length n string s is a substring s[1:j]; a suffix of s is
a substring s[k:n].
The failure array of s is an arrayP of length n
for which P[k] is the length of the longest substring s[j:k] that is equal
to some prefix s[1:k−j+1], where j cannot equal 1 (otherwise, P[k] would always equal k).
By convention, P[1]=0.