UPGMA(D, n) Clusters ← n single-element clusters labeled 1, ... , n
construct a graph T with n isolated nodes labeled by single elements 1, ... , n for every node v in T Age(v) ← 0 while there is more than one cluster
find the two closest clusters Ci and Cj
merge Ci and Cj into a new cluster Cnew with |Ci| + |Cj| elements
add a new node labeled by cluster Cnew to T
connect node Cnew to Ci and Cj by directed edges
remove the rows and columns of D corresponding to Ci and Cj
remove Ci and Cj from Clusters
add a row/column to D for Cnew by computing D(Cnew, C) for each C in Clusters
add Cnew to Clusters root ← the node in T corresponding to the remaining cluster for each edge (v, w) in T
length of (v, w) ← Age(v) - Age(w) returnT
UPGMA Problem
Construct the ultrametric tree resulting from UPGMA.
Given: An integer n followed by a space-delimited n x n distance matrix.
Return: An adjacency list for the ultrametric tree output by UPGMA. Weights should be accurate to three decimal places.
Note on formatting: The adjacency list must have consecutive integer node labels starting from 0. The n leaves must be labeled 0, 1, ..., n-1 in order of their appearance in the distance matrix. Labels for internal nodes may be labeled in any order but must start from n and increase consecutively.