Generate Contigs from a Collection of Reads solved by 567

July 29, 2015, 1:04 a.m. by Rosalind Team

Even after read breaking, most assemblies still have gaps in k-mer coverage, causing the de Bruijn graph to have missing edges, and so the search for an Eulerian path fails. In this case, biologists often settle on assembling contigs (long, contiguous segments of the genome) rather than entire chromosomes. For example, a typical bacterial sequencing project may result in about a hundred contigs, ranging in length from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand nucleotides. For most genomes, the order of these contigs along the genome remains unknown. Needless to say, biologists would prefer to have the entire genomic sequence, but the cost of ordering the contigs into a final assembly and closing the gaps using more expensive experimental methods is often prohibitive.

Fortunately, we can derive contigs from the de Bruijn graph. A path in a graph is called non-branching if in(v) = out(v) = 1 for each intermediate node v of this path, i.e., for each node except possibly the starting and ending node of a path. A maximal non-branching path is a non-branching path that cannot be extended into a longer non-branching path. We are interested in these paths because the strings of nucleotides that they spell out must be present in any assembly with a given k-mer composition. For this reason, contigs correspond to strings spelled by maximal non-branching paths in the de Bruijn graph.

Contig Generation Problem

Generate the contigs from a collection of reads (with imperfect coverage).

Given: A collection of k-mers Patterns.

Return: All contigs in DeBruijn(Patterns). (You may return the strings in any order.)

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