July 29, 2015, 12:30 a.m. by Rosalind Team
Given a k-mer Pattern and a longer string Text, we use d(Pattern, Text) to denote the minimum Hamming distance between Pattern and any k-mer in Text,
Given a k-mer Pattern and a set of strings Dna = {Dna1, … , Dnat}, we define d(Pattern, Dna) as the sum of distances between Pattern and all strings in Dna,
Our goal is to find a k-mer Pattern that minimizes d(Pattern, Dna) over all k-mers Pattern, the same task that the Equivalent Motif Finding Problem is trying to achieve. We call such a k-mer a median string for Dna.
Find a median string.
Given: An integer k and a collection of strings Dna.
Return: A k-mer Pattern that minimizes d(Pattern, Dna) over all k-mers Pattern. (If multiple answers exist, you may return any one.)