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Compute the Number of Times a Pattern Appears in a Text solved by 3284

Sept. 9, 2015, 3:38 a.m. by Rosalind Team

This is the first problem in a collection of "code challenges" to accompany Bioinformatics Algorithms: An Active-Learning Approach by Phillip Compeau & Pavel Pevzner.

A k-mer is a string of length k. We define Count(Text, Pattern) as the number of times that a k-mer Pattern appears as a substring of Text. For example,


We note that Count(CGATATATCCATAG, ATA) is equal to 3 (not 2) since we should account for overlapping occurrences of Pattern in Text.

To compute Count(Text, Pattern), our plan is to “slide a window” down Text, checking whether each k-mer substring of Text matches Pattern. We will therefore refer to the k-mer starting at position i of Text as Text(i, k). Throughout this book, we will often use 0-based indexing, meaning that we count starting at 0 instead of 1. In this case, Text begins at position 0 and ends at position |Text| − 1 (|Text| denotes the number of symbols in Text). For example, if Text = GACCATACTG, then Text(4, 3) = ATA. Note that the last k-mer of Text begins at position |Text| − k, e.g., the last 3-mer of GACCATACTG starts at position 10 − 3 = 7. This discussion results in the following pseudocode for computing Count(Text, Pattern).

    PatternCount(Text, Pattern)
        count ← 0
        for i ← 0 to |Text| − |Pattern|
            if Text(i, |Pattern|) = Pattern
                countcount + 1
return count

Implement PatternCount

Given: {DNA strings}} Text and Pattern.

Return: Count(Text, Pattern).

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