Compute the Probability of a String Emitted by an HMM solved by 394

Sept. 16, 2015, 3 a.m. by Rosalind Team

Topics: HMM

Outcome Likelihood Problem

Given: A string x, followed by the alphabet Σ from which x was constructed, followed by the states States, transition matrix Transition, and emission matrix Emission of an HMM (Σ, States, Transition, Emission).

Return: The probability Pr(x) that the HMM emits x.

Sample Dataset

x   y   z
A   B
    A   B
A   0.303   0.697 
B   0.831   0.169 
    x   y   z
A   0.533   0.065   0.402 
B   0.342   0.334   0.324

Sample Output


Extra Dataset

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