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Dependent random variables

Two random variables are called "dependent" if the probability of events associated with one variable influence the distribution of probabilities of the other variable, and vice-versa. The word "influence" is somewhat misleading, as causation is not a necessary component of dependence.

For example, consider drawing two balls from a hat containing three red balls and two blue balls. If X is the random variable associated with the color of the first ball, and Y is the color of the second ball, then clearly the value of X and Y will influence each other: if we draw a red ball first, then the probabilities for Y are different than what they would be if we draw a blue ball first. Below is the probability tree diagram for the two drawings.

Probability Tree Diagram

There are two ways of stating dependence mathematically. First, we might say that X and Y are dependent if they are not independent. In other words, there exist events A and B containing outcomes of X and Y, respectively, such that Pr(A and B) is not equal to Pr(A)×Pr(B). In the case of drawing balls, let A be the outcome of the first ball drawn being blue, and B be the outcome of the second ball drawn being blue. Then Pr(A and B) is 1/10, although Pr(A) is 2/5 and Pr(B) is 2/5.

An equivalent way of saying that X and Y are dependent is if there are events A and B containing respective outcomes corresponding to X and Y such that the conditional probability Pr(AB) is not equal to Pr(A). Using the same events for our example variables X and Y above, we can see that while Pr(AB) is 2/5, Pr(AB) is Pr(A and B)/Pr(B), or 1/4. This calculation makes sense, since if we know that the second ball drawn is blue, odds are much better that the first ball was red than blue.
