
Average mass table

The average mass table combines the average masses of all amino acid residues (see below). Consult the monoisotopic mass table for the same table calculated with monoisotopic masses. Note: the average mass of a water molecule is 18.01528 Da.

A   71.0788
C   103.1388
D   115.0886
E   129.1155
F   147.1766
G   57.0519
H   137.1411
I   113.1594
K   128.1741
L   113.1594
M   131.1986
N   114.1039
P   97.1167
Q   128.1307
R   156.1875
S   87.0782
T   101.1051
V   99.1326
W   186.2132
Y   163.1760 


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