
Rosalind is great for automating homework assignments (or code challenges, or lab competitions). If you are a professor and are interested in joining the Rosalind Faculty, please complete our application form.

Professor's Guide to the Rosalind Classroom

  1. Complete the application form to request a Faculty account.
  2. After your account has been upgraded, please follow this link to add a new class.
  3. Fill in the fields to provide details about your class. You can choose to accept only solutions with code provided, and you can change notification settings about class changes. All times are with respect to the time zone indicated in your user profile (the default time zone is GMT). Next, click "Submit".
  4. A list of Rosalind problems appears, which you may add to the class by clicking on them. When you are finished adding problems, apply your changes, then click on your class name at the top of the page to proceed to the Rosalind Classroom.
  5. On the class homepage, you will find links to edit class information and problems, as well as a grade sheet. To enroll students in your class, simply send them the URL obtained by clicking "Enroll link."
  6. Notice that we have provided you with private "questions" and "solutions" forums for each problem; "questions" will be seen by students who have not yet solved the problem, whereas correct code can be voted up and down in "solutions" by students who have solved the problem.

Rosalind Faculty FAQ

The problem tree requires that students solve problems according to a hierarchy. Does this hold for classes?

No; students in a class can solve problems in any order, and you can add any problems from the tree.

How do you prevent cheating?

We are currently implementing an automatic plagiarism-checker. For the moment, you will have to compare students' code on your own. In the internet era, almost any homework problem from any subject can be solved quickly by using a search engine or online discussion forum. We would therefore suggest making Rosalind a small homework percentage of your course grade and combining the use of Rosalind with setting your students rigorous exams.

Coming Soon to Rosalind Faculty

Welcome to Rosalind!

Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics through problem solving.
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